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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Welcome New Affiliates

NJSouthRealEstate.com would like to welcome two new affiliates. Lorraine Santirosa of Santirosa Realty Group in San Diego, California and Hanna Kurtu of B.F. Saul in Reston, Va.

Lorraine is a real estate consultant who has worked with countless military families in San Diego. Her dedicated and creative team is comprised of a director of first impressions, a transaction coordinator, escrow group, mortgage lender, and a title representative. Her team who brilliantly and unfailingly provides world class service to all.

Hanna is a mortgage consultant. For the past five years Hanna has been helping borrowers realize the benefits of home ownership. Her motivated team of professionals work out of offices in Reston, Virginia. Hanna and her team provide a focused approach which provides clients with world class service.

Lorraine, Hanna and myself work By Referral Only. 90% of our business comes from referrals from past clients, strategic alliances, friends, family members and people that we care about. With business driven by referrals, we have the time to dedicate 100% of our energy toward serving our clients and not seeking new business. Together we are building a military referral network to collective serve our clients. You can view our respective website here:
http://www.njsouthrealestate.com , htp://www. sandiegomilitaryrelocation.com and http:northernvirginiavaloans.blogspot.com

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